The inav

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Dr. PH Malte Haring

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Dr. Malte Haring is Managing Director of inav GmbH. Previously, he held various positions in the company, including Operations Lead and Deputy Managing Director. Before joining inav, he gained consulting experience at a large strategy consulting firm. Dr. Malte Haring studied Health Communication at the University of Bielefeld and Medical Management at the University of Duisburg-Essen. He completed his doctorate in public health at the Hannover Medical School.

Dr. Malte Haring’s professional expertise lies in the area of digital transformation as well as in the conception and process design of innovations in healthcare. He also deals with the topic of organizational tensions in the interaction of different stakeholder interests as well as the associated risks and opportunities in healthcare projects.

Univ.-Prof. Dr. oec. Volker E. Amelung

CEO, Founder and Shareholder 

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Professorship for International Health Systems Research, Hannover Medical School ▪ Main Focus: Managed Care, Evaluation, Health Services Research, Health Economics, Innovative Healthcare Concepts

Prof. Dr. Volker Amelung has held a professorship for International Health Systems Research at the Hannover Medical School since 2001. He studied business administration at the University of St. Gallen and at the University of Paris-Dauphine and earned his doctorate at the University of St. Gallen. From 2007 to 2022, he was chairman of the board of the Bundesverband Managed Care e.V. (BMC). Professor Amelung holds many years of experience as a consultant for international and national healthcare companies as well as for the World Health Organization (WHO) and founded the inav in 2011. Through his activities, Professor Amelung can draw on a broad network of experts and is well established in academia, practice and politics.

His work and research focus on the areas of managed care and integrated care, consulting stakeholder in the health care system, the evaluation of care concepts, and the project development of innovative care concepts.

Dr. rer. pol. Franziska Püschner

Member of the Management Board, Senior Health Economist

+49 30 24 63 12 22

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Dr. Franziska Püschner is a member of the management board of inav GmbH. She received her doctorate in health economics from the University of Cologne. Subsequently, she worked for Janssen-Cilag GmbH in the area of market access and for Roche Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Shanghai, in the area of strategy development and business process optimization.

Dr. Franziska Püschner is an expert in evaluation, methods and consulting. She also specializes in the areas of healthcare research, development of innovative healthcare concepts, especially for innovation fund projects, and project management.

Dr. Matthias Arnold

Member of the Management Board, Senior Health Economist

+49 175 60 15 63 7

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Dr. Matthias Arnold is a member of the management board. Before joining inav GmbH, his scientific career took him as a fellow to the Centre for Health Economic der University of York, UK, and to the College of Medicine in Malawi. He received his doctorate in health economics from the LMU Munich. He also holds degrees as Master of Business Research (LMU Munich), MSc. Global Health and Development (UCL) and as Diplom-Volkswirt (University of Heidelberg).

Dr. Matthias Arnold is an expert in evaluation, methods and consulting. He focuses on health economic evaluations, data analyses, modeling and studies for care concepts with digital components.

Sabine Barz

Management Consultant

+49 30 24 63 12 22

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  • M. A. Cultural Studies and German Literature, University of Bremen

Current responsibilities

  • Quality management
  • Advisor to the Management Board
  • Marketing

Main focus

  • Marketing
  • Publications
  • Internal communications

Nino Bitadze

Project Manager Health Services Research

+49 30 24 63 12 22

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  • M. Sc. Public Health, Hannover Medical School
  • B. A. Languages (German/French), State University of Languages and Culture, Tbilisi

Current responsibilities

  • Quality management
  • Data analysis
  • Project controlling

Main focus

  • Project controlling
  • Evaluation of innovative care models

Manuel Engel

Projekt Manager

+49 30 24 63 12 22 

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  • M. A. Public Health – Health Care Delivery, Economics and Management, University of Bremen

Current responsibilities

  • Development and evaluation of innovative care models
  • Project management

Main focus

  • Innovative models for health care services
  • Market access for pharmaceutical manufacturers
  • Market access for digital health applications (DiGA)

Nataliia Brehmer

Project Manager Health Services Research

+49 30 24 63 12 22

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  • M.A. International Relations, Collegium Civitas, Warsaw
  • B.A. International Relations, SWPS-University, Warsaw

Aktuelle Aufgaben

  • Development, monitoring and evaluation of projects in the field of health services research
  • Development of data protection-compliant survey procedures

Fokus auf

  • Qualitative research
  • Integrative research designs (mixed methods)

Fenja Demandt

Research Associate 

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  • B.A. Public Health/Health Sciences, University of Bremen
  • M.Sc. Public Health, Berlin School of Public Health, Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin

Current responsibilities

  • Development and evaluation of innovative care concepts
  • Network management

Felix Freigang

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  • M. A. Medical Anthropology, Free University Berlin & University of Copenhagen
  • B. A. Ethnology and Political Science, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

Current responsibilities

  • Development and evaluation of innovative care concepts
  • Development of data privacy compliant survey methods
  • Development of quality indicators for community care networks

Main focus

  • Qualitative health services research
  • Integrative research designs (mixed methods)
  • Patient- and participant-oriented questioning
  • Integrated community care
  • Care and case management

Dr. rer. nat. Claudia Grellmann

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  • PhD Bioinformatic, University of Leipzig/Max-Planck-Institute for Cognitive and Neurosciences Leipzig
  • Dipl. Biomathematics (FH), University Zittau/Görlitz

Current responsibilities

  • Development and evaluation of innovative care concepts
  • Statistical programming and data analysis

Main focus

  • Quantitative methods of health services research
  • SHI routine data

Sonja Gscheidle

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  • B. Sc. Applied Health Sciences, Hochschule Furtwangen
  • M. Sc. Public Health, Berlin School of Public Health, Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin

Current responsibilities

  • Development and evaluation of innovative care concepts

Main focus

  • Quantitative and qualitative health services research
  • Scientific evaluation of innovation fund projects

Friederike Hasse

Project Manager and Digital Health Consultant

+49 30 24 63 12 24

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  • M. Sc. Psychology, Humboldt University Berlin and Université Paris Nanterre (Frankreich)
  • B. Sc. Psychology, Albert Ludwigs University Freiburg and University of Cambridge (UK)

Current responsibilities

  • Consulting for digital health and strategy projects
  • Development and evaluation of innovative care concepts

Main focus

  • Digital health
  • App development and DiGA fast-track procedure
  • Care for people with mental and neurological illnesses

Ann-Kathrin Klähn

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  • M. Sc. Public Health, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (UK)
  • B. A. Rehabilitation Pedagogy, Humboldt University of Berlin

Current responsibilities

  • Development and evaluation of innovative care concepts

Main focus

  • Quantitative and qualitative health services research
  • Statistical data analysis
  • Scientific evaluation of innovation fund projects
  • Project management


Saskia Lange

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  • M. Sc. Public Health, Berlin School of Public Health, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
  • B. A. Regional Studies Asia/Africa, Humboldt University Berlin

Current responsibilities

  • Evaluation of innovative care concepts

Main focus

  • Qualitative and quantitative health services research
  • Integrative research designs (mixed methods)

Patrizia Maier

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  • Ongoing: Doctoral Studies (Dr. rer. medic.), Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
  • M. Sc. Psychology, Humboldt University Berlin and University of Copenhagen
  • B. Sc. Psychology, Albert Ludwigs University Freiburg

Current responsibilities

  • Development and evaluation of innovative care concepts
  • Statistical programming and data analysis

Main focus

  • Scientific monitoring of innovation fund projects
  • Quantitative methods of health services research

Tim Schikowski

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  • B. Sc. Health Economics, University of Cologen
  • M. Sc. Public Health, Berlin School of Public Health, Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin

Current responsibilities

  • Entwicklung und Evaluation innovativer Versorgungskonzepte
  • Gesundheitsökonomische Analysen

Main focus

  • Scientific monitoring of innovation fund projects
    Quantitative methods of health services research

Juliane Schiller

Research Associate

+49 30 24 63 12 22 

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  • M. Sc. Industrial Economics, Berlin University of Technology
  • B. Sc. Economics, Berlin University of Technology

Current responsibilities

  • Development and evaluation of innovative care concepts

Main focus

  • Quantitative and qualitative health services research
  • Statistical programming
  • Integrative research designs (mixed methods)

Kaspar Sunder Plaßmann

Research Associate

+49 30 24 63 12 22 

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  • B. Sc. Economics, University of Halle, Halle an der Saale
  • M. Sc. Health Economicx, University of Halle, Halle an der Saale

Current responsibilities

  • Development and evaluation of innovative care concepts

Main focus

  • Quantitative methods of health services research
  • Statistical analyses

Dominika Urbanski-Rini

Project Manager Health Services Research

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  • M. Sc. Global Health, Maastricht University
  • M. Sc. Social Economics, Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg
  • B. A. Sociology and Political Science, Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel

Current responsibilities

  • Development and evaluation of innovative care concepts

Main focus

  • Digital health applications (DiGA)
  • Electronic patient file / electronic prescription in international comparison
  • Statistical and qualitative analyses in health services research